How Are You Using Your Time?


How you use your time is a significant contributor to the results you get in your life.

It is by no means the only ingredient in your success formula, but it matters.

One high-value way of using your time is by surrounding yourself with people who care about their personal growth and who are walking their talk.

It's one of the reasons more people are spending time and money on live group experiences with like-minded people, rather than on more material things that they don't need.

Purposeful gatherings are a deliberate way of using your time to connect with other men and women who are actively pursuing their life's goals.

In a group setting, you're likely to meet people who inspire you, motivate you, or who have a similar story to yours from which you can gain insight.

Often, you'll make new friends, and you may gain a mentor who can guide you.

I'll be transparent here.

The Vital Guide retreats we've created aren't all about taking some time off to a beautiful place.

We've purposefully designed them to create an experience by which you can take an in-depth look at the parts of you that matter most.

The settings of these trips create an environment that is naturally supportive of inner exploration.

They also happen to be in incredible locations and are a ton of fun in the process.

But at least for my part of their creation, there have always been two main reasons why I wanted to organize and run retreats. 

The first was to give back. 

I've learned some valuable things over the years, and I want to share that with the people.

And two, I knew that I would also be learning from you in the process. 

That's the way life works. There will always be an exchange of energy.

It's a win-win for all of us. 

We get to do the work we love. 

And, in the best scenarios, you walk away with tools to empower your journey and some long-lasting connections to great humans.

How are you spending your time, and with whom are you spending it?

Do you want to join us on our next adventure?

Time is running out, there are three weeks left, and only four spaces available.