6 Simple Steps To The Best Thanksgiving Ever.

Every year it seems as if the holiday season goes by in a blur. Turkey day comes and goes, and what’s left is perhaps a faint memory of an overly stuffed belly, and maybe a few blurry photos for the Facebook feed.

This Thanksgiving make the best of it by doing the opposite of numbing out, and instead employ these six steps for the best thanksgiving ever.

We challenge you to take this holiday season to a whole new depth, in six steps, to be exact.

1. Smell

Digestion is really a matter of all the senses, but often times, unless you’re the one doing the cooking, you’ll smell it before you see it. This triggers salivation and begins the secretion of gastric enzymes that aid digestion.

2. Sight

See what is in front of you. Actively, that is. Do your best to be fully aware of your surroundings. Noticing the details of your surroundings can help increase situational awareness and cognitive function.

3. Touch

Give someone a big ol’ hug. The research shows that hugs definitely help increase the feel good hormones. Some even go as far as giving specific numbers of hugs that are optimal for your health.

We can all agree that hugs are awesome, so have at it! Besides all the hormonal goodness, we are social beings, and as such, connecting with others comes with the territory.

Show us a man or woman who doesn’t appreciate a hug, a kiss or at the very least a pat on the back. You can’t, so don’t even try, shhh!

Go get touchy feely with your friends and family this Thursday.

4. Hearing 

Listen. Carefully. Don’t just wait for your turn to speak, but actively focus on what the other person is saying to you.

Don’t listen with the intention of chiming in with your opinion, or solutions. Don’t judge what is being said, just listen closely. Focus all of your attention on the person speaking and do your best to be present until they finish their train of thought.

If your brain moves faster than the person speaking, take this as an opportunity to practice patience as well. Everyone wins.

5. Taste

Arguably the most overused, yet under-appreciated of all the senses during this day of feasting. Most of us are likely eating way too fast to truly appreciate the variety and subtleties of flavor being offered.

Eating is a lot like lovemaking. Sometimes you want to get in there and tear it up caveman style — and that is ok — but more often than not you really want to savor each moment/bite. Take your time with it you Neanderthal! Savor every bite.

a.     You’ll maybe eat a little less, and

b.     We promise you’ll enjoy your meal that much more (in both cases, wink, wink).

6. A Sixth Sense 

We don’t mean this one so much in the psychic sense, although if you got it, use it, because superpowers are awesome!

We’re referring to that sense of appreciation/gratitude for the amazing miracle life is.

You’re hopefully eating good food, that you took your time to savor, right? Enjoying the company of the people you love, so take it all in and be thankful for it.

So these are our tips for taking your enjoyment level of Thanksgiving to a whole other level. Use all of your senses this year and have a very Happy Thanksgiving from us to you.

In health,

Pablo and Michael