What’s included? Pretty much, everything! Once you’re in Montana, your lodging, meals, and group counsel are covered. We will also be providing transportation to and from the airport, transportation throughout the week, and our unique excursions. 

Please be aware that the only meal not included is dinner on the day we all go out as a group. 

  • Accommodations

  • Breakfast lunch and dinner

  • Daily counsel sessions

  • Hiking excursions

  • The sweat lodge

  • One free day to explore

  • Transportation from & to the airport

Airfare and any food outside of the property is not included.

This weekend really helped me get back on course. I am looking forward to the journey of becoming a better man and human being. It was an honor to learn from you and have you to inspire me to my own greatness. Your teachings have already had a ripple effect in my life. Powerful stuff! You are a force for good and it is contagious.
— Jeff